
Employee Salary System (PSS)

A comprehensive salary system for the Duhok Directorate of Health

This system has been created 4 years ago first time for Duhok Directorate of Health and then for other hospitals and sub-directorates such as: Akree, Bardaras etc..

Report Sample for Print

Each user of the system is allowed different functionalities and access rights based on their work location and work role. Roles and their associated system functionality include:

1. Manager

All kind of data entry in additional to creating reports and changing percentages containing salary advantages and cuts like risk and certification percentages and etc...
this is user is also allowed to close the current month in order to work on the next month after all the reports and work as has been done for the current month.

2. Editor

Data entry can only change employees information for example when there is a change for any employee inside the system
Each user will have ability to search and view information of all the employees inside the system. Any changes made will be recorded with the user id and the time of the change.

Other features of the system include:

  • Current data and complete history of salaries, easily filterable and searchable.

  • System shows all the changes made on any employee by showing the user who has changed it and what he/she has changed.

  • System stores data from the beginning of time that system has been used and it shows data for each year or month and for each employee it can always shows the history and salary changes during time.

  • Easy system enhancements

  • Pascal salary system only needs Firefox web browser on client desktop and a special program for viewing reports called “Pascal report viewer” that works with java and this is application is also provided with system configuration. 

Stop in, Say hello

  • Jwan Bldg #5, Nuhadra St.
    Across from Korek Company
    Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
  • +964 (0) 750 416 1344